Q97 Wants Your Opinion!
Q97 wants your opinion. Our goal is to continue to provide great content the way that you want it on the platforms you use most often, so we’re inviting you to share your opinions about technology in our annual survey.Your responses will be kept completely confidential, and we will never share your personal information with…
Noon Salute
Sponsored By Country stars sing our national anthem in support of our troops all around the world. Let Dave Tappan do a shout out to your friend or loved one in an upcoming Noon Salute. If youwant to type a message to a loved one or friend serving our country, just put it in…
Q97 On Your Echo
If you own an Amazon smart speaker, like the Echo Plus or Echo Dot, you can listen to Q97!First you need to enable our skill. Here are easy ways to do that:1. Say, “Alexa, enable Q 97 FM Redding”2. Visit the Skills section of your Alexa Smartphone App and search for Q97 After you have enabled…